Tainted by Alexandra Moody

Tainted by Alexandra MoodyTainted by Alexandra Moody
Series: The ARC #1
Genres: Science Fiction
Pages: 214

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Find out what it means to be tainted in this post-apocalyptic future where the secrets are as deep and dark as the fallout shelter humanity survives in.

Elle Winters lost everything when the day of impact transformed Earth's surface into an icy, desolate wasteland. All she has ever known are the artificial confines of underground fallout shelter, the ARC. Under the Council's rule, ruthless officials roam the hallways, community comes first and everyone lives in fear of failing their annual testing. With one simple blood test you could be taken away without any warning or a word of goodbye.

There are only a few people in the ARC who Elle truly cares about and she desperately tries to keep them at arm's length away for fear of losing someone else. Especially, her best friend Sebastian who she denies her feelings for, even from herself.

Chilling secrets and mysterious disappearances plague the ARC, but Elle would never dare to voice the forbidden questions that linger on her lips. That is until they take the wrong person.

No one is truly safe in the ARC and Elle is about to experience her own personal apocalypse. With nothing left to lose she will risk everything to uncover the truth about the tainted.

Will she find what she's looking for or are some secrets better left buried deep underground?